Futaro telah memimpin lima quintuplets ke titik di mana mereka dapat lulus dan mengejar impian mereka sendiri. Sekarang, akhirnya, mereka telah mencapai festival sekolah terakhir mereka. Setelah memutuskan untuk menjadikan kesempatan ini sesuatu yang tak terlupakan, Futaro mencari perasaannya terhadap kelima quintuplets. Dia meminta mereka untuk menemuinya di kelas sehingga dia bisa memberi mereka jawabannya ... Futaro has led the five quintuplets to the point where they can graduate and pursue their own dreams. Now, at last, they have reached their final school festival. Having resolved to make this occasion something they will never regret, Futaro searches for his feelings for the five girls. He asks them to meet him in the classroom so that he can give them his answer…