81 Menit | SU

Pemain dan Sinopsis

Rahasia lahirnya "the DigiDestined" kini terkuak. Pada 2012 sepuluh tahun setelah petualangan antara Odaiba dan Dunia Digital terjadi. Meskipun mereka telah memulai jalur mereka sendiri, Daisuke dan "DigiDestined" lainnya serta Digimon mereka masih memiliki keterikatan. Suatu hari, Digitama raksasa tiba-tiba muncul di langit Menara Tokyo, mengirimkan pesan ke dunia. "Semoga semua orang di dunia mempunyai teman. Semoga mereka masing-masing mempunyai Digimon." Saat dunia menyaksikan, seorang pemuda bernama Lui Ohwada muncul di hadapan Daisuke dan teman-temannya dengan DIGIVICE yang retak. Di balik lahirnya "the DigiDestined" adalah satu-satunya harapan tersembunyi Lui… Ketika masa lalu dan masa kini terhubung, krisis terbesar dalam sejarah Digimon pun terjadi. Jalur apa yang akan dipilih Daisuke dan tim "02"? Sekali lagi, DigiDestined melakukan mobilisasi, kali ini sebagai orang dewasa! The secret behind the birth of "the DigiDestined" is now uncovered. It is 2012, ten years after the adventures between Odaiba and the Digital World took place. While they have embarked on their own paths, Daisuke and the other "DigiDestined" and their partner Digimon are still bound together by the same bond. Then one day, a giant Digitama suddenly appears in the sky above Tokyo Tower, sending a message to the world. "May everyone in the world have friends. May they each have a Digimon." As the world watches, a young man named Lui Ohwada appears before Daisuke and his friends with a cracked DIGIVICE. Behind the birth of "the DigiDestined" is Lui's single, hidden wish… When the past and present connect, the biggest crisis in Digimon history is unleashed. What path will Daisuke and the "02" team choose? Once again, the DigiDestined mobilize, this time as adults!

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