90 Menit | 13+

Pemain dan Sinopsis

Mamoru Miyano , Nobunaga Shimazaki , Rie Takahashi , Maaya Sakamoto

Ksatria pengembara, Bedivere, mencapai akhir perjalanannya. Saat itu tahun 1273 M. di Yerusalem. Tanah Suci telah diubah menjadi padang pasir yang luas, orang-orang telah dipaksa keluar dari rumah mereka, dan tiga kekuatan besar saling berperang di gurun ini. Para Ksatria Meja Bundar berkumpul untuk melindungi Kota Suci dan Raja Singa mereka. Dengan seluruh kerajaannya dipanggil ke negeri asing, Ozymandias, Raja Matahari, diam-diam berkomplot melawan tirani dunia aneh ini. Orang-orang gunung, pelindung mereka yang dirampas dari tanah mereka, menunggu kesempatan untuk memberontak. Untuk memenuhi misinya, Bedivere menuju Kota Suci tempat Raja Singa memerintah. Di sana ia bertemu dengan Guru terakhir umat manusia, Ritsuka Fujimaru, yang telah datang ke Yerusalem, ditemani oleh Demi-Servantnya, Mash Kyrielight, dalam pencarian mereka untuk memulihkan sejarah manusia. Bedivere bergabung dengan Fujimaru dan teman-temannya untuk melakukan pencarian ini. The wandering knight, Bedivere, reaches the end of his journey. The year is A.D. 1273 in Jerusalem. The Holy Land has been transformed into a massive desert, the people have been forced out of their homes, and three major powers wage war with each other in this wasteland. The Knights of the Round Table come together to protect the Holy City and their Lion King. With the whole of his kingdom summoned into a strange land, Ozymandias, the Sun-King, quietly plots against the tyranny of this bizarre realm. The mountain people, protectors of those who were stripped of their land, await their chance at rebellion. In order to fulfill his mission, Bedivere heads for the Holy City where the Lion King rules. There he meets humanity’s final Master, Ritsuka Fujimaru, who has come to Jerusalem, accompanied by his Demi-Servant, Mash Kyrielight, in their quest to restore human history. Bedivere joins with Fujimaru and his companions to undertake this quest.

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